Quote of the Day

I cannot find the originator of this quote but I really like it.  “Without a goal you can’t score.”  I find it easier to set weekly goals to achieve long term results.   No matter if your goal is small or large it is very important that it is clearly defined.

Small steps climb mountains.

Tawnie Goodwin

Seville, Spain

Hello All,

My amigos and I took a train to Seville, a city 2 hours from Cadiz, Spain.  We had a bad habit of packing our bags and leaving the ship without knowing where we would sleep.   At 12:30 a.m. we still had nowhere to stay because there was a bullfight being held in Seville.  Luckily the Spanish keep late hours so the gelato (ice cream) shops were open.  We wandered around with our gelato until we were able to secure a hotel.

The next day we hiked the Cathedral of Seville which didn’t have stairs but 35 ramps which lead to the top.  It is the largest cathedral in Spain and the third largest cathedral in the world by the standard of square footage.  Several of the pictures below are taken from the heights of the cathedral.

Tawnie Goodwin

Quote of the Day

I received this quote from one of the contestants at Miss Oklahoma.  Everything we had worked for during the past year was about to be showcased.  “Remember to look through the windshield–and not the rear view mirror…Why?  Because you’ve already been there!  The future is in front of you.”  –Leah Shaver former Miss Texas

There is always more that can be done and accomplished; however, there comes a point when we have to embrace the gains we have made.

Tawnie Goodwin