Miss Tulsa State Fair

Thursday night I was crowned Miss Tulsa State Fair 2014!  These next couple of days I will be, and have already visited the Junior Fiddle Contest, Disney on Ice, PRCA Rodeo, and many more events.  I am so looking forward to the next couple of days promoting the fair and my platform!

More to come,

Tawnie Goodwin

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hi All,

This past week I spoke to a group of sixth graders about nutrition.  In some way or another we got off on the topic of my travels and one boy asked which country was my favorite.  It is difficult for me to choose between my favorite countries because I liked each country for their distinct variations in culture, scenery, food, and tempo.

One of my favorite things about the port city of Rio de Janeiro is its landscape.  The industrial city of Rio de Janeiro sets off the coast, however in many ways shadows the favela, Rocinha.  Rocinha falls into a valley and is surrounded by the vegetated mountainside.  In the photos below, one can see people going about their daily duties, hard at work.

Tawnie Goodwin

Quote of the Day

“I’ve missed over 9,000 shots in my career.  I’ve lost almost 300 games.  26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed.  I’ve failed over and over again in my life.  And that is why I succeed.”  Michael Jordan

It seems as though those who fail most become most successful.  If this is true I think I will be just fine!

Tawnie Goodwin

Kind of Handy: Eating Out

Believe it or not, your best measuring tool is never more than an arms length away.  I had several students at the university come to me this week asking how they can eat healthy in the dining hall.  I have two quick suggestions:

Portion Control.  Although I suggest keeping measuring utensils near dry foods such as cereals and sugar in the pantry to estimate portion sizes, let’s be real, no one is going to carry measuring utensils to the dining hall.  The quickest most universal measuring device for portion sizes is a person’s hand.  I found these estimations on the American Diabetes Association’s website, http://www.diabetes.org/food-and-fitness/fitness/weight-loss/food-and-portion-size.html, and from the American Heart Association’s website, http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/HealthyDietGoals/Suggested-Servings-from-Each-Food-Group_UCM_318186_Article.jsp.

Protein:  Depth and length of a woman’s palm: 3 ounces of chicken or beef

Fat:  Thumb = 1 Tablespoon (Each tablespoon of fat accounts for roughly 100 calories of peanut butter, butter, olive oil, dressing, ect.)

Grains: 1 cupped hand = 1/2 Cup cooked grains

Fruits:  1 cupped hand = 1/2 Cup fresh fruit

Vegetables:  2 cupped hands = about 1 Cup steamed vegetables

USDA’s 10 Tips for the Dining Hall.  The below link contains helpful tips for eating in the Dining Hall:  http://www.choosemyplate.gov/food-groups/downloads/TenTips/DGTipsheet26BeChooseyintheDiningHall.pdf  (USDA, MyPlate)

Happy Eating!

Tawnie Goodwin